Clear and precise

By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 23:02 - Canada

Today, I wrote to the guy whom I am in love with to tell him how I feel about him. He was very calm and told me to give him some time to think it over. Later in the day, I found out he blocked my number and rejected me on Facebook. But, the worst part is he then texted me saying, "This is my reply". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 307
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Energy_Drink 0

That's good,you don't want to be with a douchebag anyway.

Chances are, you weren't "in love" with him. It was probably blind infatuation.


Nothing wrong with know. Kinda sucks but hey, move on.

well i mean, if someone i knew told me they loved me and there was no signs or anything, id bug out too. love is a pretty strong word and to confess your super strong feelings like that to someone youre not dating almost always leads to a fail.

... Well then how the hell do you get to dating them? Because I'm fairly sure asking someone out is another way to say "Hey, I have feelings for you."

the way the OP made it seem was that she was spilling her love for him, and if he didnt feel the same way then yeah i think instinct for guys would be to run. on the other hand, if it was a simple "hey i like you" kinda thing and he did that then yeah FHL.

Youre_not_sorry7 2

yea I def agree fhl. somethin like this happened to me like some guy that i met over the weekend started texting me and on the 3rd night of knowing him he said he loved me and would keep texting saying i was beautiful and stuff. so i texted him back saying I'm just not into him like that and the next day I blocked him off aim and facebook and blocked his number, havent heard from him since thank God. OP def needs to get over it

At least he didn't sleep with you then block you.

He didn't need to be such an arsehole about it. On the other hand you probably came on much too heavy if you told him you were "in love" with him. Both of you need to grow up before seeking relationships.

OP took a shot, and got her answer. Sure, he could have been nicer, more sensitive. But that can lead to mis-interpitations. We're always hearing how gals want guys to be more honest. He was. W/o knowing what she wrote, I can't vote. OP probably needs to stop reading cheesy romance stories. There's a reason guys aren't into them.

mcsnelly 5

Nicely saying "I'm not interested in you that way" is pretty honest and you'd have to be a little delusional if you misinterpret that. Not wanting to be completely ignored and blocked from all contact has nothing to do with unrealistic cheesy romance stories....

Should have just gotten him drunk and hooked up with him, prolly would have had a better shot.


That's totally happened to me so I feel your pain

elizanena9 0

oh wow! he rejected you through technology. Shows what a loser he is.