Cold turkey

By Wishliar - 30/09/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, I started my cure from my opioid addiction. My whole body is so sore, I'm lying in bed and I'm still hurting to the point that I cried half the day, and nothing will make me feel any better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 113
You deserved it 47

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got this! Hope you pull through and I hope you find support on the other side.

May not feel like it now, but it gets better. Try to stay strong, and take it easy.


Awesome for you and this new beginning!! Look around you, you know why you made the choice. Now include those reasons in your life daily. If the reason was a loved one, let them help you in your daily life. You can do this!

Let's hope it's not like the title says. If it is, check the nearest NA meeting in your area. You got this!

You got this! Hope you pull through and I hope you find support on the other side.

May not feel like it now, but it gets better. Try to stay strong, and take it easy.