College life
By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 11:33 - Germany
By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 11:33 - Germany
By theRoomie - 02/11/2009 06:47 - United States
By pukeytimes - 10/04/2015 23:03 - Australia - Leichhardt
By notyourcleaner - 13/01/2015 11:06 - Malaysia - Puchong
By gold3nshow3r - 09/03/2017 20:00 - United States - Roanoke
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 13/10/2020 10:57 - United States - Pittsburgh
By notsick - 17/03/2019 22:00
By Anonymousse - 13/11/2015 12:34 - United Kingdom - Pontypridd
By Anonymous - 18/07/2013 18:16 - Canada - Kelowna
By hnickell93 - 09/10/2012 01:55 - United States - Visalia
first... just to be a douche lol
I'm an anteater, I eat ants, I have ant breath, and I can rap like nobody's business. I rule.
lol i < 3 the moderators XD but seriously, people need to chill about the whole "first comment" thing
Press the robe over his face and smother him! Autopsy will reveal he drowned in his vomit (hopefully).
Well, he is from Berlin.
Yeah, I was pretty sure the German's like Brotwurst und schweinfleisch... and not bagels...
This is why you don't buy robes that look like..oh forget it. That sucks.
and that is why i dont drink
Pamphlet for not having a roommate and instead getting work to be able to afford a single room.
Now-a-days, getting a job is extremely hard. So I'd count that out. Let alone being able to raise enough money from a part time job [ due to being in college ] to afford having a single room. Just my thoughts.
YDI, but for the OP, I can see how YLIF, but it's still FYL for sure, good luck
wake them up and tell them to clean it up
He just wanted to make Oktoberfest go out with a bang! What weren't you similarly shit-faced? What kind of bru are you? (If we say bro for brother, do you say bru for bruder?) Kudos to you, my friend, for NOT saying "projectile" vomit when the wall puke suggests that the condition existed.
LOL op: thats A LOT of vomit! make him clean it up when he wakes
Press the robe over his face and smother him! Autopsy will reveal he drowned in his vomit (hopefully).
and that is why i dont drink