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Come again?

By Anonymous - 07/08/2013 10:49 - Australia - Redfern

Today, during an otherwise promising job interview, I was asked how much I thought was too much for a "good hit of blow". I must have stayed speechless for too long, because the guy's next words were, "Yeah, you're not cut out for this." I'm shocked and baffled too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 246
You deserved it 4 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does he want to hire ex drug addicts? Op, you don't want that job as obviously the Man's a nut

That guy sounds like a chronically stupid dope. I hope you got up and blew that joint with the greatest speed. Obviously his meth-od of interviewing was terrible, and the job is probably not all it was cracked up to be. Go make yourself a pot of tea, or have a diet Coke, and forget the whole thing.


Does he want to hire ex drug addicts? Op, you don't want that job as obviously the Man's a nut

PterodactylMan 23
generalasskicker 12

Idk if the boss is ok with coke it might not be such a bad place

No its probably a pretty sketchy place.

Zimmington 21

Please, everyone knows anything more than $20 for a single hit is outrageous

TheDrifter 23

I was gonna say anything over 2 grams and you're getting into Charlie Sheen territory, but then it occurred to me they may be talking about money.

suboy 10

It would be nice if we could know what job OP was going for.

Sounds.drug related, or prostitution related. Maybe it was one of those real-life 'character' questions.

Mo, pretty sure he meant cocaine. In that case, any more than $20 for a line of blow is a bit much... Unless its really good quality.

18 - pretty sure you're a moron. Pretty sure.

ThatOneTimeLord 25

Give #18 a break, he looks like he is around 14 or something. I wouldn't have known what that meant at 13-16 either.

sounds like you missed out on an awesome job.

I want to know where she was applying!!!

Don't worry, the job probably sucks anyway. Ba-dum tiss

"A good bit of blow" refers to, I'm guessing, cocain... you wouldn't say "bit" to a prostitute :S

Hey, apparently some guys like girls with a bit of bite. But now that you mention it, yeah it's probably about cocaine. Nobody would ever call getting a ******* a "hit" of blow. My bad

Octwo 16

And here I was disappointed that no one got the reference to people giving blow jobs for cocaine. It was so subtle not even the commenter got it.

It's one of those shock questions some interviewers seem to think it's clever to spring on people. It was basically to judge how well you handle a difficult/shocking situation - to see whether you got flustered easily or if you could keep a level head. That said, weirdest question ever.

smc3106 25

You said exactly what I was thinking..

Even if that's the case, it's probably a lose-lose situation. Any kind of non answer, or something like "I dunno" would show that OP can't respond quickly/ appropriately to a shocking situation. and if OP had been able to respond with some kind of legitimate answer, the interviewer would probably assume they do drugs and not hire them based on that.

That guy sounds like a chronically stupid dope. I hope you got up and blew that joint with the greatest speed. Obviously his meth-od of interviewing was terrible, and the job is probably not all it was cracked up to be. Go make yourself a pot of tea, or have a diet Coke, and forget the whole thing.

I see what you did there... and there... and there... and...

The ever entertaining bastard Doctor, fails to disappoint, yet again.

Where the hell were you applying for this job?

Don't worry, that job probably wasn't legit anyway.