Come home

By Anonymous - 14/07/2024 11:00

Today, my daughter is such a bitch that when her husband texted to say he’d be 30 minutes late after work, she rang him to yell at him. He got so upset, he decided not to come home at all and booked a hotel, which was awkward for everyone waiting to surprise him with a birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 626
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'm glad that your son in law isn't just taking it lying down.


Well, I'm glad that your son in law isn't just taking it lying down.

tiptoppc 19

Just lying down in a hotel to keep from taking it from her…

Yeet the daughter and keep the son in law? Sounds like a more than fair swap.

Battousai124 7

Hmmm, I wonder where she learned it from, that it's OK to yell at your spouse...