
By Anonymous - 09/07/2024 23:00

Today, I got an inheritance, so I was planning to put most of it in savings, and maybe buy two new cars. Alas, my wife instead decided we really needed to pay off the secret credit card debt she’s been hiding from me. Not only is the inheritance gone but so is an additional 3 grand from our savings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 688
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be re-evaluating that relationship...

d j mom 7

dang, you must really love her if you didn't leave her AND payed it off.


I'd be re-evaluating that relationship...

Holy cow! How much secret debt did she have?

Sounds like she has a huge problem. Better check where the money went to. And organize your finances so you know what you both spend it on.

d j mom 7

dang, you must really love her if you didn't leave her AND payed it off.

Well I hope you're getting a divorce lawyer next that's called financial infidelity.

She clearly cannot control her spending. If you stay with her you will forever be paying off her debt.

Fun fact: when there's a secred in the family finances, while most men hide secret incomes from their wife (whether to finance their hobby such as golf, gambling, or a mistress, or to lessen the resentment that could be caused by them earning more than their spouse for the same job), most women hide secred debts instead.

MistressAfrodite 5

ooooooooh I’d divorce her.