Communication breakdown

By keyshame - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Leichhardt

Today, I took my car to be repaired. The mechanic put out his hand when he saw me, so I shook it. He just wanted my keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 903
You deserved it 6 670

Top comments

MissWhitneyB 17

It was an honest mistake. Most people would have thought the same as you.

I gotta hand it to you. You must be really shaken up.


Wizardo 33

Don't worry, its a small spanner in the works. Just hammer out the kinks next time, that is your key to igniting a less awkward social interaction.

perdix 29

#31, don't be a tool! #14 nailed it and you shouldn't screw with him.

why is this an fml, so what nothing bad happened

It's an FML because it was approved both by the readers and by the moderators because they all felt it was a humourous little anecdote that might brighten up someone's day. And you have to go **** it all up by questioning the entire process. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Hopefully the mechanic will feel that shaking his hand is a sign of respect and he'll take it easy on not screwing you over for unnecessary repairs. Plus he could have said "let me have your keys" when his hand was out to know what he wanted. :P

Hey at least he must think your really friendly :)

tompou6 19

Most likely to get in the car #20

perdix 29

Since mechanics usually charge an arm and a leg, your hand was a nice little down payment.

And those arms and legs aren't easy to get!

its not that embarrassing really! we've all had worse!

No shame, you were being polite, if anything the mechanic was at fault. If he didn't say anything and just stuck his hand out, you're not a mind reader. (Or are you? What number am I thinking of?)

Awkward much? Ugh I hate when I get in those situations..