Communication breakdown

By keyshame - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Leichhardt

Today, I took my car to be repaired. The mechanic put out his hand when he saw me, so I shook it. He just wanted my keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 903
You deserved it 6 670

Top comments

MissWhitneyB 17

It was an honest mistake. Most people would have thought the same as you.

I gotta hand it to you. You must be really shaken up.


Jst4kicks 16

reminds me of the time I was in the mall and the free sample lady asked if I wanted a sample.. I took the whole plate..

Well yeah, how would someone know if they wanted your keys by offering their hand without saying anything

I'd have done the same. Not like your a mind reader. He could have at least said "keys" before reaching out. All the mechanics I've been to use their words like big boys and say, "I'm going to need your keys miss"

Happens to to everybody lol nothing to be ashamed of ur only human :)

Dude I've done that too. Just laugh at yourself it's nothing to get embarrassed about

Not your fault. People shouldn't be putting their hand out without asking for something. We aren't mind readers.

Common occurrence. No one shakes hands anymore, sadly.