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By you’re one to talk! - 26/06/2022 17:00 - United States

Today, I reluctantly went to a family get together. My nosy aunt decided to try to lecture me on why I should spank my kids. That’s great coming from a woman who was a teen mom, had kids with 3 different guys, and now has grown kids that hate her guts. Yeah I truly need lessons on how to be a mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 936
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're under no obligation to attend famiky events, no mater what they say. Go no contact with that toxic aunt.

You can learn more from a bad mom than a good one.


You can learn more from a bad mom than a good one.

You're under no obligation to attend famiky events, no mater what they say. Go no contact with that toxic aunt.

You are obligated to go to family events. If you skip them, there will be consequences. You may decide to accept those, but you are expected to go.

This post makes me really uncomfortable. It's ok to not agree with your aunt about physical violence as a way of education. But what does she being a teen mom, or choosing different partners to bring kids with got to do with it? The days when a good women need to chose one partner for life are long gone. She can be a great mom even if she changed partners and even if she got into motherhood during her teen years. Also, I don't know how old those kids are, but a teen kid "hating" their parents is not uncommon even in a good amazing family. So advice for the future of being a parent. Grow up! stop being so judgmental to others and move to the 21th century where women has the same right and freedoms as men.

Please just, just... why the mothers of mothers did you say this. Both of us don't know the full situation, but given the information, that aunt most likely abandoned not one but THREE families. (as in not fully gone but can never give full commitment to all of them) There's a reason why people say all children deserve loving parents but not all parents deserve children and this is EXACT reason why. Those kids have every right to hate a mom thats a mom to 2 other families, and not even a good one. And if you have this same mentality growing up, please never have a child for the sake of everyone. Thank you 🙃

Ah, spanking...the term for when 'parents' are so lazy they decide hitting replaces doing any actual parenting work.

There's nothing wrong with a little swat on the butt when the kids deserves it. Too many kids these days don't get proper discipline, so they get away with everything with no repercussions. Kids need discipline, so while your aunt isn't the best example of an ideal mother, she does have a point about discipline - if it's executed properly.