
By Person - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my cousin invited me to an event that'll be happening on Saturday night. The first thing I did after she texted me was ask my mom if I could go. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 684
You deserved it 2 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're still getting used to your freedom, which is perfectly normal. Enjoy it! You don't have to ask anyone for anything if you don't want to anymore :)


HayRuss 13

I'm 20 and I have to ask my parents before I do anything. So I feel for you on this.

I admit I do this as well. Sometimes it's more or less informing her and other times it's asking her. I'm 22.

I usually asks my mom because she might've planned something for us that I've forgotten

I was doing the same thing clear up till I moved out.... when I got married at 23 lol :)

awildwhisper 30

Hey this sounds like me everyone I come back home on breaks from college. "Hey mom can I go to the grocery store across the street? pleeeaaassseee"

I don't have to worry about texting my parent about where I'm going. Cause I've inly met my real mom once, and that was when I was born. Anyways, you'll get used to it. You just need to adapt to your freedom

If you're still living with your parents, it's probably better that you do let them know what you're doing. You ain't independent yet.

Wadlaen 23

If your mother didn't tell you, I will: You're old enough to take responsibility for your own life now.