Cool beans

By Anonymous - 19/03/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I got a call from a girl I know, asking if I could babysit her little brother at my house tonight. I said yes. When the boy came over, he mentioned that his sister was having a party and didn't want him there. Turns out all my friends were invited except me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 249
You deserved it 4 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

x_LC_x 0

Wow, what a bitch. Call the cops on her party =].

what a little bitch! charge her extra... then throw a party of your own and don't invite her. i'm sorry to hear that... i'd be super pissed off


oh damn, what a bitch! #3 your my hero, i would do that in a second!

Females can be bitches dude have sex with her best friend

Maybe it's just me, but I'd take it as a positive sign that that "girl you know" trusts you.

Maybe it was not your kind of party? Friends know i do not drink, so they don't invite me to drinking parties. At least she trusts you enough to take care of her brother?

damn that sucks dude im sorry. Believe me when i say i know what that's like

Sakeyaki 0

Blackmailing is your friend. Or, at least, will be in the future.

No no, if all your friends were invited, you would have been too. All the cool kids got invited. You don't have any friends. That should be your FML.

AntiChrist7 0

never babysit, little children are a pain in the ass