
By Ugh-Lee - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a cute girl sat down next to me on the bus. She looked up at me, and then moved to the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 306
You deserved it 4 044

Top comments


Maybe she wanted you to follow her to the back?

RedPillSucks 31


skyeyez9 24

If you study hard, grab a lucrative career, superficial bitches like her will be a dime a dozen. But just because they are, don't bother with their ilk. Find a girl who likes you for who you are, not cause they love your money.

chobitschibi1369 0

When I first got on this site, I found the comments utterly boring, but Trollz4daLULZ makes it so funny.

Damn you must be uglyyyyy hahahaha. . . . . Shit sorry bro

she's definetly approachable she's the cutest little scene kid evaa

I think op isn't telling us the whole story. Op its ok people ********** on the bus all the time.

Ya that's rite go to the back of the bus blacky. WHITE POWER!!!!!!

blade15420 0

eminem is a shit rapper compared to the great Immortal Technique you need to stop listening to mainstream music kid

I'm pretty sure there is a reason EMINEM is main-stream and Technique isn't. it's cause EMINEM is "the shit" and technique "is shit" and who cares ur just mad cuz your a poor Mexican who can't aford to listen to main-stream rap.

you were probably staring at her like a pedo. how else would you have know she looked you up and down, unless it was out of the corner of your eye, then you could have seen anything. no biggie