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Creepy crawlies

By xUnluckyx - 18/03/2010 05:45 - Canada

Today, I was working, ripping siding off a house. I pulled off a sheet that was over my head. I got rained with what I thought was wood chips that were behind the siding. Turns out they were dead grasshoppers. Guess what I found in my bra after work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 227
You deserved it 3 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is disgusting. how did you not feel the dead lumps of grasshopper in your bra?


what... glad to be dead, because facing her chest alive was just too much to bare?

@Jtinze did you really mean to say too much to "bare"?

jts2 3

'dja think he meant too much to bear? Pretty sure bare is the correct term, but I ain't no fuxin' engrish specialist.

oogyboogy 6

... maybe a note saying 'get back in the kitchen bitch!!'

theian01 3

She found nipples. Problem solved!

Wow 27 what a clever and original joke.

I'm guessing you hopefully found your boobs in your bra

27, Love how femanons get offended by something on the interwebs, keep on keeping on 27, don't let these thin-skinned femanons get you down

OMG ! op, i feel for ya. i cant stand insects. especially not in my bra ;) FYL

Subjectdelta, I don't think they're offended; I think it's more the fact that the joke is getting old. I laughed the first 20 times, but now even I kinda roll my eyes when I see the whole 'get in the kitchen and make me a sammich' thing. :]

Give us anons some more jokes to replace that one, of equal quality, and that joke shall cease to exist, Big Daddies honor.

Give us hard working independent women one more Internet without sexists to replace this one, of equal quality, and we will leave this one.

what is a woman doing a job like that for when 50% of men are jobless and can't support their families? what have our society come to!!!

the girl in that pic is definitely the dominant one

metalfan333 0

hahahaha #26 is right on! "Get back to the kitchen!"

ashlynn610 12

OMG I would've thrown up!!!! Bleh that would be nasty!!!

female constuction worker :D I got some private property imma need you to landscape :o

KT, uhm, the whole benefit of the Internet is mixing the good, the bad, and the stupid for a free exchange of ideas... That means you must endure or fight against every "sammich" joke made. But asking for a separate Internet is a pretty stupid idea, given the history of "seperate but equal" as a notion of policy in the US. Sure sexism is a stupid destructive notion that handicaps society as badly as racism does, but stupid jokes will continue to exist in this medium. They are said for attention and frankly you aren't helping your cause. IMO, don't feed the trolls.

yourlifesfucked 0

how is sexism worse than racism? last i checked men dont generally organize hate groups to go out and kill, assault, and otherwise opress women... not in this country at least... carlos mencia was right when he said if you want to be treated equally and have the same opportunities as men, then you should be able to take a joke like men.

lmao, 27. I'm a girl and this was the best comment.

Man I feel bad for that house! poor siding.......

#104: I'm going to start this with a disclaimer. I really don't care about sexist jokes. I don't really take a whole lot seriously. I'm not trying to come across as some crazy feminist. In fact, Im pretty old-fashioned, traditional in many ways. Just because racism has hate groups does not make it any worse than sexism. I mean, you only have to look at shelters full of battered women to see that. Do you think any of their abusers thought the women were equal? Also, though there aren't groups to do so, there are still plenty of men who assault, kill, and oppress women in the United States. Just because it's not the entire country that oppresses women (like others), that doesn't mean that sexism isn't just as widespread as racism in the US.

dude, think of them children in Africa, they would shoot to kill to find a grasshopper in their bra

If your gonna bitch about doing a man's work, then leave it up to us men. Duh!

bryttkneee 0
rohosoccer08 1

definately fyl I wouldve freaked out!

garuru 4

your training is complete young grasshopper

that is disgusting. how did you not feel the dead lumps of grasshopper in your bra?

Maybe the grasshoppers were the really small kind. Or maybe her boobs are so ginormous she can't tell the difference between boob and grasshopper. :P

mponce12 0

i would freak out if that happened to me. I hate bugs

BrookeTrueblood 0

Same here. I'm not fond of bugs in the first place, but in my bra...

Gah!!! How many rode with you to work? If you were wearing a dress, they would have been able to (eventually) slip all the way down. People behind you would have seen a little trail of grasshoppers pop out as you're walking.

why on this earth would she wear a dress to rip apart a house?

why the hell is a girl doing a man's job is the real question?!

Woah, women have rights?! Since when?! Get your wife beaters on and bring some beer, we've got work to do...

women have rights?!?! they can do stuff now? what? I don't speak spanish!

Maybe if the men would get their shit together and start bringing home some real $$$, women would go back to staying at home. When you put on your big boy pants and get a decent job, we'll talk.

101, u think that 83 is sexist and 35 isn't?

yourlifesfucked 0

why would there be woodchips behind siding? is that some sorta cheapskate insulation or somethin? FYL op. least they werent live bees =P

I gunna Guess you found your boobs in your bra.

redshortsx 0

were they dead when you got home?

I guess in that story about the grasshopper and the ants, the ants only saved one grasshopper and left the rest of those bastards to die. I guess if you fail to prepare, you should prepare to die.