By Anonymous - 18/03/2010 05:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
By anonymous - 14/06/2016 16:47 - United States - Inverness
Narcissistic parents FTW
By KaYLa_LoUiSe - 08/08/2020 08:03
By Anonymous - 12/05/2018 20:30
Piggy banked
By Rain - 14/11/2016 11:43
By Anonymous - 28/01/2023 01:30 - United States - Sheppton
By Julia - 26/02/2010 05:04 - United States
Angry man
By Anonymous - 26/06/2022 00:00 - United States - Camden Wyoming
By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 18:53 - United States
By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill
Drama Llama
By Mike - 11/09/2019 04:01 - United States - Burlington
Top comments
then stop giving it to her!
Agreed. How long has this been going on that you just now realised this? And how old are you? If you are a full-fledged grown-up and are not actually responsible for her care, you need to stop bankrolling her. You could also try calling her up and chatting when she isn't out for money.
I thought the same thing.
you're the sucessful one
Agreed with #1. As hard as it is, you are only enabling her. If you feel really bad, you can lend her the money this time, and then let her know that you can't keep lending her money and that this is the last time. It gives advance warning, so that you don't have to feel bad the next time she calls. The next time, you just say, "I already told you I couldn't give you any more money." The line was already drawn, so she wont be surprised.
Haha, #35: I totally understand that one! My dad used to forgo picking us up because his gf/wife/whatever wanted a weekend alone. That, or his band had a gig. He only had us every other weekend, so it's not like it was a lot. When he did decide to try and make up for it, he did it with my younger brother (from his second wife). He seriously picked him up every Tuesday and almost every weekend. Later, he tried to make up for it with my sister who would tell him he was a deadbeat dad or a sperm donor. Never the me. I was the daughter who understood his flaws, but loved him despite them. He actually told me once, "Well, with you, I know you love me. With your sister, I can't be sure." Now, he just doesn't try much because I remind him too much of my mother, lol.
it's not always that easy. it's easy to say and think that but they're ur parent and they're really good w guilt and all kinds of other ways to make u pay. ie: they could say they were gonna kill themselves or do something drastic like that. :/ idk I personally think it's sad when a parent does that it's not mvery mature.
She take my money!, well I'm in need Yeah she's a triflin' friend indeed Oh she's a gold digger way over time That digs on me
For drugs.
When you weere younger you needed to be fed, clothed and nurtured... give the woman a break!
That is a point, however, isn't it the responsibility of the parent who decided to have the child to meet those -basic- needs? Last time I checked, babies don't ask to be born. While it is nice to assist a parent, a child has no obligation to 'pay back' their parents for meeting the basic needs that need to be fulfilled in order to survive. The parent has a legal obligation to provide, not the other way around. The FML also doesn't state what the mother wants money for. It could be for drugs. In closing, FYL indeed, OP.
and there's even less obligation to help your mother when she doesn't care about you as her child, only your wallet.
YDI for ruining her life.
*gasp* You have the same mom?!
I agree with three lol DRUGS!!
Cut her off. End of story. Although I do realize how difficult that is gonna be:/
KCK. We got Wyndotte in the house here on FML?
You've lost me, Eddie...

then stop giving it to her!
Join the club.