Crime doesn't pay

By fuck_thisshit - 09/11/2009 10:27 - Australia

Today, we got our results for our final grade English paper on which I worked my butt off on, and also which I let my best-friend copy off from. I received a E- and two detentions for plagiarism. My friend got a A-. All she said was, "Oh well, at least you tried your best". FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 366
You deserved it 54 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

How is she supposed to know who copied who? YDI for letting your friend cheat off you.

mpangz 0

There are E-? Partially YDI, and FYL.



damn everyone on here seems to be all up on their high horses " dont ever copy ydi" I can understand letting a friend see your paper, so they can get a few ideas off it and whatever, i always let a friend copy, ill never know when ill need the favor returned. That being said if you really let them borrow it knowing they were going to copy it word for word, how did you get into college?

why the hell would you let someone copy your paper? Idiot.

lovemyE8 0

Didn't anyone notice the horrible grammar here? Why would anyone WANT to copy an English paper of hers/his? This is the LAST person I would think might write a good essay. Anyway, YDI, because its ridiculous to cheat in school. How stupid to you have to be to miss the point of education????

lovemyE8 0

haha! Yeah! on, off, from . . . damn. confusing.

OP completely deserved it. Idiot for letting someone copy your Final Paper. YDI^10

Tell the teacher obv, and get a different friend, considering that one sounds like a douche

you are a ******* retard. who the hell let's someone else copy a paper that you turn in to the same teacher? ******* idiot

Some of you don't have to use the terms "ignorant Americans" it's really offensive, and not all of us American's are as dumb as the one's that have posted on here. Your country has ignorant people as well, their ignorance has nothing to do with them being Americans. Seriously, that was extremely rude.

From one American to another, allow me to say that your argument would be much more convincing if you knew the difference between plural s & possessive 's.