By LasagnaRawks - 09/11/2009 10:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend only stayed with me because he didn't want to "be alone," and now that he has a new girlfriend, apparently he won't be. We were together for three and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 994
You deserved it 3 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really do not want to be with someone like that anyway. It's not an FML at all. Lucky you! You are rid of someone so insecure he is incapable of being without a girlfriend.


**** his new girlfriends life =/ O and SECONED!

I love how "The_Pleb" Doesn't know how to spell second. Or read what number he is.

Unregistered 0

YDI for thinking you were more then a sex object KNOW YOUR PLACE WOMAN

@unregistered you got skillz and @ retard above unregistered "go to bed" Thankyou

You really do not want to be with someone like that anyway. It's not an FML at all. Lucky you! You are rid of someone so insecure he is incapable of being without a girlfriend.

niwde 0

ah awfull, should have dumped him long long time ago ;)

pancakes_n_syrup 0

I'm so sorry for you :( Some guys are just dicks like that and act very selfish. If he's willing to do that to you, you're better off without him

i feel you. My boyfriend just broke up with me today also. Apparently i was just a filler for those nights when he was bored and alone. worse, he was the first ever guy that i really really loved.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I'm sorry :( you can do better! There are non-asshole guys out there, I swear, they are just hiding.

@ Noted: Same thing happened to me. :( I don't know why guys can be such insecure douchebags.

this happens all the time.... people would rather be miserable than lonely, thats just how it is sometimes.

peroxideprincess 0

this sounds like something my girlfriend would say. we broke up yesterday...after she broke up with me a while ago. i am not able to believe that she would think this is the real reason why we aren't dating.