
By mikesok988 - 07/05/2009 07:40 - United States

Today, there was a potluck at my girlfriend's house. I had a sour stomach, so I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I flushed, nothing happened. They had to call a plumber to fix the toilet filled with my crap. The whole family watched, noses plugged and faces cringed, looking at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 471
You deserved it 4 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the **** would everyone stand in the bathroom and watch a plumber elbow deep in shit? Was that the most popular item at the potluck? If so, be proud.

Man up and take pride in that slippery beast!


Melodyfire 0

im always terified this will happen to me!

ohhhhshizzz 0

#21: It IS sour stomach, you douche. A sour stomach & a SORE stomach are two different things. #35: Do you know their family? Do you know how big the bathroom is? No, no you do not so bring your fake theories somewhere else. OP: You should have just said it was THEIR cooking.

If they think you're "gross" because of that. Then they're idiots. (: It's a normal thing.

CBeans37 0

its not that hard to fix a toilet. take the top off and lift up the plunger

#43 I guess your family enjoys the smell of fermenting turds, willingly subjects themselves to that, and immaturely stares and makes cringing faces at the person who last used the toilet, as if it's his fault his shit stinks, obviously trying to make the guest feel uncomfortable. Real believable. Please, use your head before you post.

I'm with #45! doesn't anyone know the simple mechanics of a toilet anymore? they're not that complicated - at least the residential ones ;)

wow her family must be extreamly immature.

wow, you don't know how to fix a toilet YDI

green_room119 0

duuddddee that's really shitty.. pun intendid >_