
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, I was telling my friends about a date I had recently that went badly, because the guy turned out to be a moron. I said the last straw was when I used the word "decipher" and was met with a blank stare. I was then met with more blank stares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 726
You deserved it 7 092


he couldn't decipher why you were like -.-?

You weren't perhaps pronouncing it dessifer were you? If not, then yes you're surrounded by idiots

Not knowing a particular word doesn't automatically make someone a "moron." FHL for dating someone with such a snotty, self-important attitude, and YDI.

Well, she said that the last straw was that he didn't know decipher, it would've helped had she given us details leading up to it, but assuming it's all vocab related, that's just silly. In my close circle of friends, two are high school dropouts, and one didn't even finish middle school, and for whatever academic smarts they lack, they more than make up for it in tradeskills and personality. I'd rather have a stupid girlfriend who has a great personality, than a smart and conceited girlfriend. That being said, If you're smart, all that means is there's a wider range of things you don't know, for every knew thing you learn, countless other things associated with it lay in the unknown. That and there's always the chance that even though he knew what it was and meant, he didn't expect a "big word" to be used, usually people break out the big words when trying to impress

vde_fml 15

Hello Everyone here i am Lucy by name and i just want to share with you on how i was help by Dr Gboco Email: [email protected] after all i have been through trying to get back my relationship with my husband i lost so much money and i did not get the result that i was looking for i cry all day and night because my husband ask me out of his life after our 3years marriage so a friend of mine in my office told me about much about Dr Gboco on how he help her with the job that she is now and how powerful the Dr Gboco is so i contacted him for help and ask me what need his gods to help me with i told him and he also told me to do some prayers which i did and after 1day i received a call from my husband asking me forgiveness i was so so surprise it was all like a dream as everything happen just the way Dr Gboco told me it was going to happen and now we are both together again and he even show me more love than even before.....thanks to you Dr Gboco. his contact number is +1 676 785 8975

damn girl, you're the moron. or really, you're just a conceited bitch. congratulations, you ******* toad.

Reminds me of when I used the word "dystopia" to my parents and they had no idea what it meant...

ninja_darkstar 6

You know there are people that read this and just gave it a blank stare

Dating stupid guys isnt so bad. Even if his use of English is bad or he doesnt know things which other people know, hes probably really good at something else. My boyfriend doesnt know the meaning of a lot of words i use but hes a real sweetie, treats me well and is really good at maths.