
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, I was telling my friends about a date I had recently that went badly, because the guy turned out to be a moron. I said the last straw was when I used the word "decipher" and was met with a blank stare. I was then met with more blank stares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 726
You deserved it 7 092


plot twist... op is mute but doesn't realise that.

I think the deciding factor would have been if the date even wanted to know. It doesn't bother me if someone doesn't know a word or a concept, however if they're content to keep it like that and not bother to expand their knowledge then I could see calling it off.

Big words are not for him...I can't imagine formal talking...probably blank stares and maybe a few other confusing facial gestures or gestures in general...

would someone please decipher the meaning of this strange and extraordinary word for me?

Yes, because everyone should get new friends when they learn that they don't know a word, though there are thousands of words in the English Language.

I first read that the date wasn't going well because the guy turned out to be Mormon, and I thought, "well, while I understand that religious views are an important thing to look for in a significant other, that's not often something that comes up on a first date...and since when do Mormons have a limited vocabulary?" It all made much more sense the second time through...

Your version makes it way more awesome.

Actually, I attended byu-idaho once upon a time (a Mormon school in the middle of nowhere) and this exact scenario happened to me with the word "pretentious," leading me to break up with the guy and start up weekly tutoring sessions with my roommates. Sigh.

I find it ironic that they got stumped over the word "decipher," considering the meaning of the word :) . I hate it when people judge you and try to make You feel like a nerd or an outcast because you used a word that They don't understand. It happened to me all the time in middle and high school. It is possible to find well-read, like-minded people in university and beyond though!

I agree that it's annoying when people treat you as an outcast because you use a word they don't understand. I just want to point out though that the others in this FML weren't being judgmental, they just honestly had no idea what she was saying :P

askullnamedbilly 33

It's just as bad to judge people and make them feel like idiots because you used a word they didn't understand. There appear to be a lot of people on this FML who are convinced that they are more intelligent than their peers just because they have a larger vocabulary. Putting other people down and acting superior never looks good on anybody.

I don't think anyone should be put down for either circumstance. Personally I have always conceded, I restructure my sentence without complaint if someone asks and I don't mention their vocabulary ability or mine. Rarely have I been asked politely, though.

Basically, he wasn't that smart but was he a nice guy?