By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester
why is everyone keep saying she need smarter friends? that implies her friends are normal. she needs less dumb friends.
How does that imply her friends are normal? Saying she needs smartER friends is relative only to the original friends, not the norm.
Had to check the dictionary for that one, but then again I'm not a native speaker. I'd also like to know the context the word was used in!
I was once talking to my sister about how stupid some of the other people in my english were for not knowing simple vocabulary, every example word I said I had to explain to her
I think THE GUY dodged a bullet... that was a bitch move OP. Who the hell runs out on a date because the person didn't know what one word meant?
She said "the LAST STRAW was when ..." It wasn't because he didn't know what ONE word meant. Clearly he was an idiot about a lot of things and then not knowing this one really simple word was the final straw on deciding he was a complete moron.
Maybe you should give them the definition or a dictionary
obscure? ;-)
Sounds like they couldn't decipher what you meant.
I feel your pain I dated this really hot guy but he couldn't read 24 hour clock :$.
You're the smart one of the family.
He went full retard.