Cut off

By Anonymous - 25/09/2024 05:00

Today, a friend told me he no longer wishes to be my friend, not because I did something, just because he no longer looks forward to seeing me, counts down every minute until a socially acceptable time to leave, and is always thinking up excuses to either be late or not come at all. Wow, just wow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 404
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It hurts but don't be too sad when the trash takes itself out. There are much better friends out there.

We all change as we go through life. Even the closest of friends can grow apart. OP, don’t take it as a judgement on you. Just accept that this friendship has run its course and you are no longer compatible.


It hurts but don't be too sad when the trash takes itself out. There are much better friends out there.

We all change as we go through life. Even the closest of friends can grow apart. OP, don’t take it as a judgement on you. Just accept that this friendship has run its course and you are no longer compatible.

And that's why most people don't actually want closure. That's what it looks like. Euphemisms like "it's not you, it's me" sound annoying, but they're often easier to take than the harsh reality.