Damn, son

By Bob - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a restraining order from a girl I have never met. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 750
You deserved it 3 754


ilc74 0

you don't have to meet her to stalk her

suzuki2005 2

apparently she doesn't wanna meet you either lol

you look like the new gay guy on Glee...Blaine...the private school kid who likes kurt

suzuki2005 2
PurpleAddict 0

Dude, stop pretending not to know her and confess! Just kidding. You should probably get all that stuff cleared up though...

gusgus36 5

name mixup? who knows...how weird... i'm sure you could talk to someone to find out why

firechildredhead 0

OH MY GOSH! WHAT did you do to your back?!? Interesting.

Ummm, she got a tattoo? It's a ******* beautiful backpiece, too.

funzcpl 0

love your ink! I have quite a few too. nice work.

RedPillSucks 31

It's totally distracting during sex. Might as well have the New York Times tattooed on your back. It does look pretty though.

awwww sh@t. that is some gorgeous artwork right there!!! wow....very nice!!! i have a rose and a butterfly on my wrist.

firechildredhead 0

That's really odd. Perhaps she is trying to keep HERSELF from stalking you any longer? lol maybe not. Dunno. That's really weird.

youtube.com/watch?v=y8v2HRLs84Q ^ the theme song to OP's life