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Fun fun fun

By BeautifulDisastre - 23/12/2009 10:24 - United States

Today, I drove the six hours to LA to attend my Uncle's birthday party. When I tried to get off at the exit, it took me two hours just to get onto the street where the club was. By the time I showed up, the party was already over, so I ended up going to a Denny's. I drove eight hours for a Denny's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 546
You deserved it 4 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Technically, you drove 14 hours for Denny's, because you still had to drive home, right? Which sucks even more.

perdix 29

You could have joined four waiters in the men's room for a Grand Slam. That could have been worth the drive.


katrina0_00 0

oh dude that sucks :) but aleast denny is goooood

Why are you getting off at an exit? You should be driving, not masturbating!

cammiixy 4

No it isn't do u have taste buds

shadow33456 1

first. as long as u enjoyed the drive it's ok but other then that that sucks gorrila pubescent

thinmint 0

"that sucks gorilla pubescent"? lol what?! pubescent is a state of being. you can't really suck it... that sucks gorilla balls maybe? that sucks gorilla teets?

perdix 29

You could have joined four waiters in the men's room for a Grand Slam. That could have been worth the drive.

um your uncle had his birthday party in a club? I'm assuming he's not that much older than you...

GR3453m0nk3y 4


STFU with your plexico trolling! On topic: Am i the only one that doesn't understand why she couldn't get off at the exit when she had the chance?

GR3453m0nk3y 4 plexico trolling? so im a troll for wanting to know where plexico is?? and Intoxicunt!?!?!?!?!?! ill bet they both agreed to stop commenting on this OR to stop going to the site alltogether

Technically, you drove 14 hours for Denny's, because you still had to drive home, right? Which sucks even more.

perdix 29

I once drove a seven-hour round trip to Austin to "party" only to end up watching some "Baywatch" reruns in what is supposed to be a great party town.

Poke_my_mon 0

Did you at least get the Sampler? That shit's ******* delicious.