Demoted to just a friend, then

By Karina - 30/09/2024 00:00 - United States - Miami

Today, my best friend of 5 years, who I got feelings for, and who I spent endless time bending over backwards and going above and beyond for, once again rejected me. He got into a car accident and I stayed with him all night, only for some girl he never even told me about to come and introduce herself as his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Resentments like this tend to show up when we don’t follow the boundaries we put in place to protect ourselves (or haven’t made a healthy boundary to begin with). It’s fine to go above and beyond to help a friend, but if they consistently don’t emulate that behaviour to you, and you are frustrated over it, then it’s up to you to change YOUR behaviour to prevent being upset.


As far as your story goes he never promised you any relationship. It's all within his rights and liberties not to reciprocate your feelings. I understand it's hard for you, but you cannot go through life expecting that maybe, one day, he will change his mind.

Resentments like this tend to show up when we don’t follow the boundaries we put in place to protect ourselves (or haven’t made a healthy boundary to begin with). It’s fine to go above and beyond to help a friend, but if they consistently don’t emulate that behaviour to you, and you are frustrated over it, then it’s up to you to change YOUR behaviour to prevent being upset.