By MyLife - 03/03/2019 12:00

Today, my best friend broke up with her partner. In retaliation, he got drunk and stole my car, then crashed it into a neighbour's house. Then after dealing with the police who didn't arrest him, he and my best friend made up and went to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 614
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kaydee_117 3

Okay firstly, that sucks eggs. :( Secondly, ditch the “best friend”, they aren’t your friend if they could do that to you/make up with someone who would. Thirdly, I’d head down to the police station anyway and speak with someone else. I’m not a lawyer, but just because they didn’t make an arrest, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still get a report for insurance purposes, or to try to have him charged in future. Helps to have it all on record! Good luck! Hope you make some new and better friends in future!

bloopaloop 27

This might come as a surprise, you are not her best friend.


kaydee_117 3

Okay firstly, that sucks eggs. :( Secondly, ditch the “best friend”, they aren’t your friend if they could do that to you/make up with someone who would. Thirdly, I’d head down to the police station anyway and speak with someone else. I’m not a lawyer, but just because they didn’t make an arrest, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still get a report for insurance purposes, or to try to have him charged in future. Helps to have it all on record! Good luck! Hope you make some new and better friends in future!

smartjaguargurl 17
bloopaloop 27

This might come as a surprise, you are not her best friend.

So you’re telling us police were called on grand theft auto, DUI, destruction of property, wreckless driving and a few other vehicular related charges... and made no arrest? There is zero chance this is how it went down snowflake. ZERO. Remove the 27 layers of embellishment and try again. I’m with the cops. This tale is rubbish.

Where is this that you can get drunk, cause a major accident and not get arrested? I need to move there ... and take up drinking!

tounces7 27

Waaaaaait a minute. He stole a car, and crashed it into someones house, and the police didn't arrest him? Something doesn't add up here.

Sue him for theft and damages, and if your "best friend" objects, drop her too.

Why’d the retaliation not go to his target, but the target’s best friend?

You break my car, I break your knees. I think you know what to do.