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Dietitian is the recognized title

By fatty mcfatfuck - 24/06/2020 02:02

Today, I caught my mother-in-law filling my one-year-old's cup with Dr. Pepper. When I flipped out, she told me I was overreacting since "all her kids turned out fine." Save for my husband, all her kids are morbidly obese diabetics who’ve struggled with poor diets. She herself is almost 450 lbs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 033
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just remind her who's the mom and who's house it belongs to or if it were me I'd be like no thank you dont want him looking like you or having your health problems

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15


Yes, one-year-olds should stick with Diet Dr. Pepper!

tounces7 27

An occasional cup here and there won't hurt them, so long as it doesn't become a regular thing.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

And even then a one year old shouldn't really need to have sugary drinks.

just remind her who's the mom and who's house it belongs to or if it were me I'd be like no thank you dont want him looking like you or having your health problems

call her out on it then if that dumb bitch can't listen she shouldn't be around your kids

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

That is DISGUSTING. I would lose my damn mind!!!! Next time look her dead in the eyes and say "you sure about that?" like Sam Elliott

ok so no more going over to MIL's house if she doesn't respect your wishes for your child.

thank **** my mom never gave soda and I still don't like it and I'm in my 30s

ViviMage 39

Children ages 2 to 18 should sip no more than 8 ounces of sugar-sweetened drinks over a seven-day period, the American Heart Association says in new recommendations published Monday in the journal, Circulation. These syrupy sips include sodas, sports and energy drinks, fruit-flavored waters and sweetened teas.

Also, doesn’t Dr. Pepper have caffeine in it?!

I hope she's permabanned from your home now. Her cycle of child abuse must stop with your child.