
By Anonymous - 30/06/2021 20:01

Today, a patient, who is normally pretty chill, was being quite difficult for my workmates. They were whinging about him and I defended him, he's normally a sweet guy so something must be upsetting him. I went to chat with him, he punched me and called a useless a**hole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone showed their true colors. I'd report that and distance from the jerk.

Dogafin 5

Any chance the pt has bipolar, very similar experience when I worked with patients


Dogafin 5

Any chance the pt has bipolar, very similar experience when I worked with patients

Someone showed their true colors. I'd report that and distance from the jerk.

brockwaycc 3

Your next step for him is defenestration lol. Jokes aside, sorry you got punched that sucks :’(

Suaria 38

Sounds like the kind of job I'm in. I've learned that everyone can switch up on you any minute while working at my job