Do not want

By Anonymous - 08/10/2020 08:01 - Europe

Today, I had a chat with a one-night stand and she's decided to keep the child. My life is basically over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 492
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wrap it before you tap it, but also demand a paternity test. If it was a one night stand it's possible she's scamming you because she was already pregnant and wanted a baby daddy. Happened to a friend of mine. If it's yours though, you kind of deserve it.


PinkCannibal 1

If you really want nothing to deal with the child when you go to court you can relinquish all parental rights.

After the paternity test, (if it’s yours) step two is getting a lawyer and discuss signing over your parental rights and noting that you have no desire for a child, that you’re unfit to be a parent due to not wanting children, or anything the lawyer can think of. Like, if you did everything right and shit happen that really sucks but if you didn’t and shot happened wellll on you bud. But if you’re not in a relationship with her and explain she’s on her own (with evidence) and you have no desire to be a part of the child’s life there is a slim chance you can fight child support. (Which should honestly only exist for partners/abusers and not the average acquaintance)

Tikmysta 20

So many “condimise” comments, y’all are way too creative - I love it Your life has just begun mate, embrace it and do what you must and what is just - whether relinquishing your paternal rights or being the best dad ever. Thabiso- father of five in South Africa ☺️

randybryant799 20

She's the one carrying the child. She's the one who has to give birth. She's the one who will most likely raise the child. And your life is over? Please.