Dogs are people too

By Seriously? - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend is still obsessed with me. Apparently he's named his dog after me and talks to her like she's a real person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 279
You deserved it 6 603

Top comments

Does he kiss the dog like she's you, too?

I once named a Pokemon after an ex girlfriend... Of course it was magikarp denoting how much of a "dead fish" she was in bed.


is your name a common human/dog name? I once had a dog named Chelsea. very common for dogs apparently. don't overthink it, it's really not a threat to you.

He wants to retain the memory of you and all your doggie-style adventures...

StompinOnCrayons 15

You would rather he penetrate a dog than an inanimate object ( sure it resembles OP ) but still ?!

this girl that was in love with my brother named her baby after him.

chelene 10
bookie1981 7

Doggone it! That is more than a little creepy.

SuperMew 22

I don't see what the problem is. I adopted a cat named "Jason" and my brother thought I named it after him. It caused a lot of problems when I would say "Jason wet on the floor again" and "Dammit Jason, get off the table." He ended up naming his dog after me. Started a long tradition of naming animals for family members to be funny. All I am trying to say is, maybe he liked your name, maybe he needed to feel a connection to good times, and a lot of people talk to their animals like they are human. He just sounds lonely.

lopesindustries 5

Its times like this you wish you had the dog whisper.

jazzy_123 20

70, I find it weird how you automatically assume OP's ex is going to have sex with the dog O,o