Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to

By Anonymous - 05/08/2020 20:02

Today, during a deep conversation with my girlfriend of 6 months, I asked her if the guy she had cheated on me once with a few months back had a bigger “tool” than me. She said yes. So I asked, "How much bigger are we talking about?" Her response was "Probably like twice the size." FML
I agree, your life sucks 912
You deserved it 3 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatkorean 5

You deserve it for asking. And if it now makes you uncomfortable then break up. You’re obviously not over it and haven’t fully forgiven her anyways. Better to leave and take care of yourself and your happiness than be with a cheater.

Man, some questions shouldn’t be asked.


Susan Yee 9

Only been together for 6 months and already cheated? Why are you still with her?

You’re hurting yourself bro. Get out of that while you still can.

What I've learned: a failed relationship is not a personal failure. It takes two to make a partnership, we all know that. Maybe you were the problem, maybe she was, but she certainly made it apparent that there was a problem. I don't care if she's insanely hot or insanely rich or just insane, your ego isn't ready for this type of relationship and might never be. I strongly suggest you get out while you still can and try again, or spend some time developing yourself until your confidence is stronger. It's not the prettiest and the richest that win the prettiest and the richest, it's the ones most in tune with themselves.

And how did that make you feel? Did it turn you on? Because there are some weird ass dudes into that sort of thing and you asking those questions makes me wonder about you.

You asked, and you got it. A grown man should know that size doesn't matter, it's how you use it that counts. Also, along with a few other people commenting here... what the hell are you doing sticking with a woman who cheated on you in less than six months? Stop being a doormat, dump the cheater, and when you find someone else, don't ask her to compare the size of your dick to her ex-boyfriends' dicks. Unless you're some sort of a cuck.

PenguinPal3017 19

She's obviously lying. Unless you're in loke the bottom 5% (in which case why ask), there's no way it was twice the size. She's a cheater, get revenge and dump her.

k4tn3t0 3

don't ask a question you may not like the answer to

I mean, you did choose to stay with her after she cheated. I'm wondering why you asked her such a question if you didn't care that she cheated.