By FML - 02/02/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, I was having sex with a girl. After we finish, she tells me she already has a boyfriend, and that his penis is larger than mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 801
You deserved it 10 195

Same thing different taste

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Diabeetus 0

Perfect reply for these situations. "It varies in size depending on how hot the girl is."

haha.. stupid bitch.. hot dog down a hallway at this point.. dont worry bro she says it to everybody, because her boyfriend is a giant *****.


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Not sure how he deserved that considering the girl is an unfaithful ****.

haha.. stupid bitch.. hot dog down a hallway at this point.. dont worry bro she says it to everybody, because her boyfriend is a giant *****.

Except that is not how vaginas work. It's on the same level as saying "Oooh I dare not exercise! My arms might get floppy and sag!".

Diabeetus 0

Perfect reply for these situations. "It varies in size depending on how hot the girl is."

hahahahaha my hero :P but really, that girl is a sluuuuut. I'd tell her boyfriend also, just to show her :P

Yeah she's a *****! If I were you I'd go get checked out medically!!

luigima 0

why is is that a girl who sleeps around is always a **** but the guy is just having fun? you probably deserved this. *****.

Yeah tell her boyfriend that you boned her and she was like a bucket. That will **** there relationship up lol. And also say that you think I've given her scabies that would scare them both lol!

Shut up. Either way it's disrespectful and disgusting.

Here goes. A door (girl), that opens to every key is useless and trash. A key (boys), that open every door is the master key. Any more questions?

If a guy sleeps around, he's a man-*****. If a girl does it she's a ****. Any questions?

Right. Cause men can't be ****** too. It's still gross no matter what gender does it.

Such original and accurate description. Here goes. Would you rather eat a yogurt with a spoon that was dipped in 10 yogurts and 10 mouths or would you like a fresh one? Any more questions? Hurr durr, now I proved men get "used" by having sex and are worth less the more partners they have.

youhavenoidea 0

wow thats wonderful you prolly feel like a real stud

the only important thing is that you got some

The correct term according to The Lonely Island and Akon is: Doesn't matter had sex.

Levicicus 6

“She made me wear a bag on my head. Doesn’t matter, had sex!”

should ask her why she dates someone so stupid that they can't use such a big hog and drive their girlfriend to go after normal sized sausage?

Contrary to popular belief, the bigger the guy is the more it hurts and can be rather unpleasant and completely unenjoyable, that is if your tight enough.

inlimbo11 0

this is obviously very true...

1. Kick her square in the nuts. Yeah, u heard me. 2. Get her boyfriend's number, call him and tell him what a ***** she is 3. Knock her out 4. Pat yourself on the back for getting laid