Don't just stand there!

By Gem - 05/04/2013 11:04 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, I carried flat-packed boxes home from work to move my things into a new apartment. Whilst walking down the street, the wind kept blowing and spinning me round. A crowd eventually gathered, mistaking me for a street performer. Nobody helped or even threw me any loose change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 146
You deserved it 3 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You need to put a hat or a guitar case out to collect tips. You can't expect the general public to stuff bills in your G-string on the street. Next time you walk out on the street with boxes on a blowy day, strip down to a bikini and you'll earn your rent in about 20 minutes ;)


onorexveritas 23

they don't know real talent when they see it ;)

\ 28

Should have yelled "I have cursed your souls for your indifference!"

If that were the case, OP needed to cover their tracks better! I hear paint works nicely!

\ 28

But it wouldn't suck as hard if it made you come, right? (evil smile)

You just need to tighten up your act a bit. Practice, man, practice.

OP could be on Britain's Got Talent!

Well, obviously you weren't very good. That guy with the flat boxes on First was a lot better...

As a mother of two girls who have it, I will honestly say that you most likely do not have it. It is most likely a habit, as people with the disorder do not know what they are doing, and cannot help themselves. There are three stages: compulsive playing/pulling of the hair, pulling our if the hair at the root, and eating your hair. If this is something that you have noticed that you do, and not something diagnosed by a psychologist, then you are being a hypochondriac. Find something productive to do with your hands and you will probably stop going bald.

Wrong FML dude. :-) Also, the disorder is characterised by a compulsive urge to pull out, and sometimes eat, your hair. Don't know where you got 'do not know what they are doing' from, but just because your girls have it, it doesn't make you an expert. Just sayin'.

First of all: this is really patronizing and you need to stop acting like you know everything about OP's situation. Secondly: wrong FML, dick head xD