Don't let them get you down

By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 17:48 - United States - Tucson

Today, I went to McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal with a girl's toy. The high school girls behind the counter said I was too old to be served one, and I had to go home and explain to my sick daughter why she didn't get her toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 300
You deserved it 5 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

That is so sad! I hope you complained to the manager!

You need to call corporate cause even adults are allowed to order and enjoy the happy meal. They'll give you a free meal


chels1994 11

I always grab toys for my little brother.. I have never once been questioned or denied a toy :o

What?! Was it for your daughter or not if you buy a happy meal it comes with the toy end of conversation. The people that worked there obviously needs to be fired for applying their own comments in what isn't needed! Or should I say, where they don't even have the right to? >:/ and I'm very sorry about it, is quite sad but then again why couldn't you explain the situation? (If you want to be polite) you could have shouted tho -.- you don't need to explain yourself for buying a happy meal.

OP you should have spoken with the manager. You do not have to have your child present to buy a happy meal any more than to buy a toy at Toys R Us. And to all who blasted OP for getting McDonalds for a sick kid just leave it alone. If u do not have kids then u just wouldn't understand.

OP you should have spoken with the manager. You do not have to have your child present to buy a happy meal any more than to buy a toy at Toys R Us. And to all who blasted OP for getting McDonalds for a sick kid just leave it alone. If u do not have kids then u just wouldn't understand.

Aw :/ in sorry to hear that. But, not to be rude, can McDiabetes even decline you of a meal? I have no idea, just doesn't seem like they would.

Also I forgot to mention I hope your daughter feels better OP

You should've explained it wasn't for you but for your daughter.

sorry, I call bullshit. I get happy meals for my kids all the time without them being there and they never bat an eyelash. nice try. FYL for having to fake an FML

What were you doing giving McDonald's to a SICK kid?!? That stuff will make her sicker.

There's no age limit to a happy meal! Rebel! Rebel I say!