Don't let them get you down
By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 17:48 - United States - Tucson
By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 17:48 - United States - Tucson
By paris78 - 18/10/2009 00:04 - Canada
By icarlymom - 05/03/2010 06:10 - United States
By JackG - 03/03/2010 01:20 - United States
By NotSoYoung - 17/06/2009 16:35 - Canada
By Anonymous - 08/04/2012 18:55 - United States - Perris
By NewlyChildaphobic - 17/11/2009 14:50 - Ireland
By well okay then - 10/09/2012 04:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/01/2013 20:56 - Finland - Helsinki
By Anonymous - 01/10/2020 20:01
By Pandistoteles - 14/04/2015 21:17 - United States
What is with these people asking questioning OP for buying McDonalds for his/her daughter? It's her child, not yours. Go question someone else's parenting failure.
No you don't. It's spelled "their." You forgot a period at the end of your last sentence. QQ more, bitch. Get over it.
Still I don't get it completely. You explained, right? In that case, damn...FYL it is.
Stupid bitches. There is no age requirement on meals and/or toys.
I usually have to ask to NOT get a toy and I am 26.
That's when you get the manager
I work at mcdonalds..we never tell people they're too old..weird
That is so sad! I hope you complained to the manager!
You need to call corporate cause even adults are allowed to order and enjoy the happy meal. They'll give you a free meal