Don't let them get you down

By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 17:48 - United States - Tucson

Today, I went to McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal with a girl's toy. The high school girls behind the counter said I was too old to be served one, and I had to go home and explain to my sick daughter why she didn't get her toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 300
You deserved it 5 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

That is so sad! I hope you complained to the manager!

You need to call corporate cause even adults are allowed to order and enjoy the happy meal. They'll give you a free meal


What is with these people asking questioning OP for buying McDonalds for his/her daughter? It's her child, not yours. Go question someone else's parenting failure.

redneckEMT21 2

Because we have the right to free speech and they basically asked to be criticized on there parenting techniques by saying that they wanted to get McDonald's for there sick child on this site. Get over it

No you don't. It's spelled "their." You forgot a period at the end of your last sentence. QQ more, bitch. Get over it.

mintcar 9

Wouldn't have left without my Happy Meal! Her job is to sell you food, after all. WTF?

Still I don't get it completely. You explained, right? In that case, damn...FYL it is.

LaColombianita 26

That's the stupidest thing ever. I work at McDonald's and older people order happy meals ALL the time, whether it be for their child or themselves. I would've told a manager if I were you.

Stupid bitches. There is no age requirement on meals and/or toys.

juicifer 0

Go back there and nut up or shuttup!

I usually have to ask to NOT get a toy and I am 26.

SpeakOutLoud 1

Aw poor girl! I hope you complained to the manager!

I work at mcdonalds..we never tell people they're too old..weird