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By paris78 - 18/10/2009 00:04 - Canada

Today, a person came into McDonald's, where I work. They ordered a Happy Meal. As they were an adult, I assumed the meal was for their child, who wasn't with them. When I asked if the toy was for a boy or a girl, they said the toy was for them. I still had to ask if it was for a boy or a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 921
You deserved it 4 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

letitbe56 0

I hate how they always assume you want a certain kind of toy based on your gender. I may have been a little girl, but I wanted the toy car, not the toy barbie. And guess which one they always gave me. :(

yeah, I work at Mcdicks to, and I get those everynight since I work overnight. not only do they DEMAND a toy, after they order (in drive thru mind you) they drive off like idiots leaving you with a happy meal sitting there molding all night long. you have it easy my friend. Notice you are from ontario too. Ottawa, 4416 Innes Rd.


yeah, I work at Mcdicks to, and I get those everynight since I work overnight. not only do they DEMAND a toy, after they order (in drive thru mind you) they drive off like idiots leaving you with a happy meal sitting there molding all night long. you have it easy my friend. Notice you are from ontario too. Ottawa, 4416 Innes Rd.

Why would they drive off? OP: I don't see how this is an FML. Oh no, you worked and gave someone a happy meal. How does that effect you negatively? Also, I thought they were done with the sexist toys years ago and got 1 set of toys for the kids. Since you had to ask again, you don't have to ask if THEY are a girl or boy. Just ask, "Do you want a girl's toy or a boy's toy?".

Wow even McDonald's toys are considered sexist now? People need to realize that something is only sexist if it isn't an OPTION for the "victim." They offer you both toys, a girl can get a boys' toy if she wants. That isn't sexist. And it's just ******* kids' toys.

It is an awfully embarassing place to be in, don't you think? Even if the OP had asked what toy the person wanted, the person could have taken it the wrong way and thought they were being insulted. So there really was no way out of that one.

I don't see how the OP should care? It's a stranger, not like it's someone who has any affect on their life or job

americayay 0

How is that insulting? Are you more pleased by a 12 cent hotwheels car or a 12 cent barbie?

Why would you post where you work? I live in Orleans so I know exactly where that is... I'm gonna go creep you one night:) And have you super paranoid.

it's an fml because he works at mcdonalds

I am a 15 year old GIRL but I don't get the preppy shit I get the hot weels ! VROOM!!!!!

erdene96 1

hum I'm in middle school and I'm afraid to get happymeal for my sister.

lichen_fml 0

Always get a girl the boy toy. I don't understand why they have to be gender-segregated in the first place.

Prawn_fml 2

I agree entirely, Lichen. This stupid gender shit should go out the window. I've met plenty of girls who like playing with cars, for instance, and several boys who've admitted they'd play with dolls at times if it wasn't a 'girl's toy'. Humans are humans, for crying out loud.

Veritas143 0

You can choose to get either..But there is a much better chance that a boy will want a hotwheels car and a girl will want a barbie..its not segregated people like different these days

lendmeyourteeth 0

couldn't you distinguish their voice?

Haha I love happy meal toys :P Who said theres an age restriction?

i still get happy meals and as a student i even get a discount sad i know but when your a poor student you need some sort of entertainment

I don't see a problem here- just ask which toy they'd prefer.

perdix 29

I agree with Endymion that you didn't need to ask their gender directly, but I would have put it differently. I would have asked, "In your masturbatory, pedophile fantasies, do you victimize little boys or little girls?"

dalli 0

That's just plain rude. Why can't people just want to get a toy? Why must people jump straight to sex? I guess that's because that's how YOU think. Being silly for a day is NOT the same as wanting to sleep with kids. Enjoy being a pedophile, 13 (wait, no, please don't)!

dudeitsdanny 9

Male pedophiles can like boys and/or girls. Female pedophiles can like boys and/or girls. But BOTH can be entertained with a Barbie =)

pro_cras_tin_ate 0

Oh that's horrible.. definately FYL! I hope you guessed correctly :S

This isn't your FML, it's his/her FML. "Today, I went to McDonalds and ordered a Happy Meal. The cashier thought it was for a child who wasn't with me, so she asked me if the kid was a boy or a girl, so she could put in the right toy. I said it was for me. Then she asked me if I was a boy or a girl. FML

that is a little wierd a adult asking for a child's toy.......