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Don't mind me

By Anonymous - 01/10/2021 18:01 - Lebanon - Beirut

Today, my grandmother passed away recently, and I moved in with my mother to support her. My two uncles and my cousin (a technician, photographer, and a theologist) who are in a joint venture wanted to discuss business. I felt like a loser, waiting in the other room, while they sat in my Management Consultancy office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 711
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are they in your office without you? How are they going to manage the joint venture? Maybe they should consult with you? You're a loser if you don't barge in there, listen as they hash it out, say things like "synergy" and "branding" and charge them an enormous fee! Go in there and get paid!

Ambrily 27

Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about, OP. But I'm sorry for your loss.


Why are they in your office without you? How are they going to manage the joint venture? Maybe they should consult with you? You're a loser if you don't barge in there, listen as they hash it out, say things like "synergy" and "branding" and charge them an enormous fee! Go in there and get paid!

Ambrily 27

Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about, OP. But I'm sorry for your loss.

Replace the office with a bar and you have a great setting for a joke.