Don't shoot the messenger
By ........................... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Mexico - Mexico
By ........................... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Mexico - Mexico
Sounds like they were both either really stupid, or settled with some ******* ridiculous reasons to break up with you guys. ...Or a mix of both.
Both of your girlfriends are morons
Something about a story of a necrophiliac or a chick who's into ***********.
I'm sorry i would cracked up laughing if that was my boyfriend who wrote the letter, b/c that is so cute but corny to get your best friend to write love letters for you. Those girls are a pair off a**holes, its not a big deal
:/ A guy who wants to write a lovely letter to his girl, and a guy who is nice enough to help his friend write it. You guys deserve better!
What was in the letter that made her call him an Edward Cullen wannabe? Did he talk about watching her sleep or something?
It's obvious that the two were in a secret lesbian relationship, and that they just wanted an easy way to break up with you two, or they're just ungrateful evil witches. Either way you two are better off. You're now free to find girls who will appreciate your romantic gestures, and who won't be needlessly jealous.
Well sorry to hear that OP. And now you and your buddy should get ready. Girls like that will sometimes going around telling people how you're a cheater and your buddy is a gay sparkling fairy. I've actually seen seen something like this happened more than once.
Fantards, fantards everywhere. And, if your girlfriend hates that you tried to help a friend out, maybe it was better for the relationship to end. Your heart was in the right place, sorry it had to be for naught.
That really isn't something you should advertise on fml.