Don't shoot the messenger

By ........................... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Mexico - Mexico

Today, I helped my buddy write a sweet love letter to his girlfriend. After reading it, she dumped him for being an "Edward Cullen wannabe", and when my girlfriend found out, she dumped me for "cheating" on her by writing the letter in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 553
You deserved it 6 292

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

Fantards, fantards everywhere. And, if your girlfriend hates that you tried to help a friend out, maybe it was better for the relationship to end. Your heart was in the right place, sorry it had to be for naught.

Allornone 35

That really isn't something you should advertise on fml.


That was pretty immaturely handled by both women, that sucks OP

bach2121 13

Is she stupid? You helped your buddy write it. You didn't write it. Anyways, sounds like she was just waiting for an excuse to dump you. Sorry OP

BubbleGrunge 18

You're better off anyway OP. Looks like it's time for you and your buddy to go girl hunting. Be careful though, the crazies don't usually start to show themselves until they already have you in their claws.

Why do women ( and men) get so suspicious all the time about their spouses cheating? Are they really that insecure? What happened to people having faith and trust in one another?

Because so many men and women chose to be unfaithful to their partners. As a person who has been cheated on many times, it sucks. To really like someone and want a real relationship with them only to find out they are doing the same if not more to someone else as they do to you. It makes you scared to feel that disappointment again.

thejimler 9

Any trust in a relationship is destroyed when a girl reads Cosmo or any other girly magazine for relationship advice. Their articles boils down to get yourself a guy, then assume innocuous activity X means he is cheating and you should enact petty revenge by doing something immature, criminal, or even being unfaithful yourself. There was an article on Cracked about it and its a good read.

YDI Op for sounding even remotely like Edward Cullen in your love letter :D

There's a disappointed girl two FMLs up who met a jerk on a facebook chat. Maybe she'd be a good match for you, OP....Turn that frown upside down and go for it!!!

Trisha_aus 15

Just doing what I can to help the lonely in FML land....

Dumb shallow girls give us all a bad name. You'll both find better girlfriends I'm sure.

Sorry for that OP. You'll find a better one.

Hmmm sounds like you and your friend need to do some wedding crashing and forget about your exs!