Don't shoot the messenger

By ........................... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Mexico - Mexico

Today, I helped my buddy write a sweet love letter to his girlfriend. After reading it, she dumped him for being an "Edward Cullen wannabe", and when my girlfriend found out, she dumped me for "cheating" on her by writing the letter in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 553
You deserved it 6 292

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

Fantards, fantards everywhere. And, if your girlfriend hates that you tried to help a friend out, maybe it was better for the relationship to end. Your heart was in the right place, sorry it had to be for naught.

Allornone 35

That really isn't something you should advertise on fml.



Edward Cullen writes love letters?

On the bright side now you are two buddies who are free and single.

hatemyluck 15

I hope you guys are like..14. If not, then you're lucky for losing of a crazy gf.

dccomics94 12

Man don't sweat it. You were helping a friend and if she doesn't like that, she's a bitch and you're better off without her.