Don't worry, IQ ain't real

By snathans - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took one of those IQ tests on the internet. I cheated and still got a 70. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 372
You deserved it 80 024

Top comments

YDI for cheating, and also for thinking that internet IQ tests are even remotely legitimate. Did you also get a free Xbox?

Ouch. How did you manage to do that? Like epic fail. No offense. Actually, it was prob the site. Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ.


wowfmlife 0

wait! let me guess! you used wikipedia fyour answers!? dumbass...

im guessing this is bruno since it was on your facebook about an hour before it was on this


So, you paid someone to confirm that you're a retard?! lmao :)))

Congrats on being mentally handicapped.

Good thing internet IQ tests are crap. If that was a legit test, you would be mentally retarded.

MOL_fml 0

I remember Rhinna got like a 96 on one of those as what was said in the advertisement, most of those ads show them with above 120 scores so...... Well just be glad your a not a dick shaped rat living underground, thats what I always tell myself when I feel bad.

BEB131 0

#30 you are retarded!!!!!!! #35 You can't raise your IQ by paying attention in school, its not based on that type of stuff, (at least not the legit ones) OP- You can't cheat on those (and do well) unless u take the same one over and over....