Don't worry, IQ ain't real

By snathans - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took one of those IQ tests on the internet. I cheated and still got a 70. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 372
You deserved it 80 024

Top comments

YDI for cheating, and also for thinking that internet IQ tests are even remotely legitimate. Did you also get a free Xbox?

Ouch. How did you manage to do that? Like epic fail. No offense. Actually, it was prob the site. Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ.


I'm pretty sure that's not a legit score....even Forst Gump had a 75 I.Q...

oceanxcity 0

Find another and do it honestly. You'll probably score around 115. And yeah it's based on time as well as how well you do.

Uconnrunner 0

Those are such bullshit anyway. who cares

lmao@3&49 but really kid. i wouldn't have admitted this to the world. haha.

they did that so you would buy their product or do their test.......

Those internet tests have no value at all. They give you a made up score. You get a higher score for taking no time to answer the question on some, regardless of it being right or not. You get a higher score for giving up early and not finishing the test in the others. I've seen some that give you a score of 200, which is impossible because even Einstein only had a 164 (from what I remember). If someone actually had a 200...they wouldn't be taking an internet test. You fail just for doing the test.

fatfaceunited 0

Why don't you go to school so you can learn how to cheat properly you ******* dumbass