Donut laugh at me

By sdeeter - 29/04/2013 13:39 - United States

Today, I had a job interview at the local donut shop. It turns out I misunderstood the position, and that the job was actually to wear a donut costume and wave at cars outside the shop. I was told this after I got hired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 910
You deserved it 9 146

Same thing different taste


Tim2415 16

Did someone say doughnut shop???

Either your didn't bother asking what position you'd be hired for or you simply got tricked into doing a job nobody wants to (usually)

Tim2415 16

Sounds like a little bit of both...

perdix 29

Get out on the street and expose your sugary hole to bring the business in! What's not to like?

Be thankful you got a job. Hope your self esteem is pretty good.

olpally 32

Haha, reminds me of the movie "sex drive" dude has to wear a doughnut costume with a mustache and sombrero! Lmao. Good luck op!

Xatraris 38

I was thinking the same thing. "Dude, you're still moving the mouth!"

Tika876 18

Don't worry, people love donuts so they'll love you just the same.

Be like the sandwich from "Sex and the City" and tell the world "Eat me!"

So did you take the *doughnut costume job or not?

Doughnut in British English, donut in American English.

That is incorrect. Whoever told you that made it up. "Doughnut" is the proper spelling. Region has nothing to do with it. Spelling it like "donut" is no better than shortening "through" to "thru". The reason these bastardized shorter versions of these words even exist is because people are becoming too impatient and lazy to use the full spellings. The internet has not been helping recently either. Call me old fashioned, but I would like to help preserve these proper English spellings as much as I am able to during my lifetime. Too bad English is going to the dogs because of laziness. I don't mean to make a stink, but this is a huge pet peeve of mine.

perdix 29

Ask your boss to demonstrate the do's and donut's of the job :D Hopefully, that won't be so boring your eyes glaze over.