
By pained - 02/05/2014 00:23 - United States

Today, I had an ingrown toenail cut out, and the pain medication I received doesn't actually help with the pain. Instead, it makes me high, which results in me losing my balance and slamming my injured toe into objects, and then getting sick from that new pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 352
You deserved it 4 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the kind of situation that would keep you on your toes.

What medication are you taking? it sounds like it is not having the desired effect. Call your doc.


I have had this surgery on five ingrown toenails, and I never needed any pain meds, so I would say they are trying to get an extra buck or two out of you.

Not necessarily. OP said it' does "not actually help with the pain", basically stating that he did indeed have pain after the removal.

davek 36

I've had an ingrown toenail operation. They didn't give me actual narcotics, they just told me to take paracetamol if it hurts.

bobsanction 18

You need pain medication to get over an ingrown toenail procedure? They don't hurt that bad. Grow a pair of the appropriate strength-causing genitalia and get over it.

hope you're feeling better. if you get another ingrown, don't wait so long to get it out!

Out of curiosity, what medication is it?

You should contact a doctor and probably someone to watch you while you're on medication

hey OP, I had my ingrown toenail removed less than two months ago. it was done perfectly. pain? NONE!! I didn't even get any meds and i felt no pain what so ever. maybe if it happens again you should try a different treatment that doesn't involve stitches (unless you already had that) i got mine done without them and it was a relief compared to the first two i had