
By pained - 02/05/2014 00:23 - United States

Today, I had an ingrown toenail cut out, and the pain medication I received doesn't actually help with the pain. Instead, it makes me high, which results in me losing my balance and slamming my injured toe into objects, and then getting sick from that new pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 352
You deserved it 4 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like the kind of situation that would keep you on your toes.

What medication are you taking? it sounds like it is not having the desired effect. Call your doc.


I've had ingrown toenails removed before, all I was prescribed was neosporin and motrin

Having had they operation done nine times, I find that odd as it only makes your foot feel numb.

Is your doctor a quack? When mine gets cut out its numbed and nothing but better right after the nails removed. That's strange.

Just dont walk. Its a wound so act on that

dave20012 15

Dam that's not good..should have just stuck your foot in ice water to sooth the pain

Sounds like the Dr prescribed vodka.

Heathtastic 10

I had my ingrown toenail removed a month ago. But I wasn't suffering from any pain afterwards. I don't understand why he was taking pain medicine

You're not taking into consideration how severe his might have been.

Chiroptera_Man 10

I didn't get meds when I had my ingrown toenail removed... Twice on the same toe too!