Dude, seriously?

By nuberific - 05/03/2009 18:45 - Canada

Today, I was in the changing room at the local YMCA. I went to use the hair dryer but couldn't because a naked old man was bent over, butt cheeks spread wide with his hands, and ass aimed at the dryer. He seemed to be enjoying it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 360
You deserved it 3 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And I thought seeing old ladies' saggy **** in the changing room at YMCA was bad..

Rawer 0

That must have been scary o.o


LMent 0

I am struggling mightily not to burst into laughter, especially after reading the comments. I am in the crowded compuiter lab in my school right now BAHAHAHAHa

Today, I found out, while trying to dry my butt hair, that I get extreme pleasure when I point the dryer directly to my ass. It only works with the gym's hair dryer thou. FML

000001 0

Wow. Just the thought scarred me for life. (Sucks to be you.)

cuttybuddy 0

He was just trying to get his asshole dry. Whats the problem here?

O_o Don't google Goatse...*shivers* I will never be the same again.....*twitches*

ive had that happen to me when i was in the locker room in a gym once i was kinda scared