By imanidiot - 03/03/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I'd been sat in traffic for about an hour. I've heard stories about people doing the dirty in their cars, and I never do anything risky so I thought, why not, I'll be here a while, no one can see me: I'll masturbate. Midway through, I heard a tap on my driver's window. It was a police officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 265
You deserved it 152 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How in the world did you think nobody would see you?? Doesn't your car have windows like the rest of us?

Sora_fml 0

lmao, shoulda told him that it itched, you were just scratching. Or ask if he wanted to join in.


yr now allowed to do that ???? O_O NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crabby 0

You should only do this when your car is moving, not when it's stopped!

nat66623 0
Bubs_fml 0

I've been bored, stuck in traffic. But never that bored! Have some self control!

jESuS_lOVeS_mE69 0

Now you need 2 tissues. 1 to clean yourself up and another to wipe away the tears of embarrasment

Seriously?...YOu jacked off in the car?.... what the hell is wrong with you?

jESuS_lOVeS_mE69 0

Good thing he wasn't stuck in traffic on the bus

rachelforgot2 0

ha ya i tried that once gotta be moving and havea blanket covreing your lap! but it may be easier for a girl??