
By Anonymous - 10/06/2015 13:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my boss for a couple of days off to recover from a nasty ear infection which has left me hard of hearing. However, he didn't understand why that would affect my job and refused. I work in a telephone call centre. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 320
You deserved it 1 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got to say I agree with your boss. Due to my past experience with call centers. I never found anyone there listening to me anyhow. You actually might make employee of the day


He probably couldn't hear you haha I'm funny ok I'll go back in my cage now bye

hberri331 18

Pretend like you didn't hear him and stay home.

If the infection was in both ears, fyl. If it was only in one ear, fyl but maybe your boss thought you could use the other ear?

That's what I was thinking. Yeah ear infections suck but from the way OP is writing it sounds like it's only one ear and they can use the other one.

Ear infections are extremely painful and even if they only affect one ear, you will usually have problems with the other ear as well...

No you don't, 70. Your ears aren't magically connected to each other by a tube running behind your eyes. It's very usual to have a middle or outer ear infection affecting both ears. Although, I did have otitis externa last Christmas and it was excruciating, so I sympathise with OP for that. But the hearing takes weeks to recover so she should go back to work after the infection has gone.

Bad luck, OP. I got fired from my telesales job today ):

infernno 23

My friend used to work in a call center and lost his voice. They let him take a week off, but made him make up the hours he missed the next week.