
By Anonymous - 10/06/2015 13:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my boss for a couple of days off to recover from a nasty ear infection which has left me hard of hearing. However, he didn't understand why that would affect my job and refused. I work in a telephone call centre. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 320
You deserved it 1 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got to say I agree with your boss. Due to my past experience with call centers. I never found anyone there listening to me anyhow. You actually might make employee of the day


I feel ya! I work in a call center too and had really bad tooth aches due to two teeth!

Get a doctor's note and shove it in your boss's face. You are entitled to sick leave and do not need his permission to take it.

Bosses suck these days. My mom works at a school and was fired for politely insisting that her boss actually get a teaching licensee... It's just crazy!