
By Anonymous - 10/06/2015 13:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my boss for a couple of days off to recover from a nasty ear infection which has left me hard of hearing. However, he didn't understand why that would affect my job and refused. I work in a telephone call centre. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 320
You deserved it 1 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got to say I agree with your boss. Due to my past experience with call centers. I never found anyone there listening to me anyhow. You actually might make employee of the day


Twat? I **** hear you! I have an ear infucktion. Ass me again later.

Sometimes I wonder why people vote YDI ...

You could always use your other ear...

i mean you could use the other ear?

walk in to your bosses office or cubicle, shit down, tell him " I'm sick I've got an ear infection, i can't function because i feel sick and i WILL be taking some time off to get my self in order" then walk out like a boss. If you need to make up the hours later so be it, more money in one check for ya

sbarua219 17

FYL OP, but I have bad experiences with call centers lol. Still FYL

I believe you have two ears and your statements imply only one is infected?