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Early start

By KoNi - 21/11/2008 07:23 - France

Today, my 14-year-old sister asked me how I felt when I first had sexual intercourse. I told her it was personal and was none of her business. She then looked at me and said, "I thought it was nice." I'm 19 and I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 329
You deserved it 6 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm 19 and still a virgin. It's not for lack of opportunity, I just don't want to give it up for just anyone.

That's ****** up. Talk to your sister or something before she gets chlamydia.


whoababy55 0

Okay, I'm 15, a virgin, and plan on remaining one until I find the right person. Yes, I'm probably going to wait until I, too will be a 19-year-old virgin in a few years. 14 is way too young, there's no way you could know that your boyfriend was "the one" at age 14, I don't care how many teen romance novels you've read or how many Nicolas Sparks movies you've seen, it takes time to know that someone is the right person to give a part of yourself to. OP, you seriously need to talk to your sister. #56, seeing the importance of waiting to have sex does not make me nor anyone else here a prude, or religious, or anything like that. For me, yes, religion plays a part in my decision-making, but that is the exception rather than the rule. People on here need to realize that.

jakefml33 0

good to know I satisfied her...

Thedrugslikeme2 0

I see something wrong with the comments. Yes it is okay to be a virgin at 19 and yes it is okay to not be a virgin at 14. there is nothing wrong and calling her a ***** is wrong she's 14 okay sure if she's a 25 year old who's sleeping with someone else every night fine. I think if they used protection its fine, maybe she should be on birth control too. If you're not going to have sex until marriage well woopty-doo congratulations, but there is absolutly nothing wrong with having sex with someone you're not married too. Me on the other hand, no I havn't had sex and I don't plan on it until i'm out of highschool but i'm probably not going to wait on marriage. People have choices and its wrong to telling someone what they can and can't do. You can't force abstinence on someone, you just can't there are sex-ed teachers that have been teaching abstinence for over 30 years.They say it doesn't work. And for the people doing it for religious reasons, don't shove your religion down other peoples throats.

Wow are you serious? Society nowadays is so lame. As I stated: "Sex isn't a tool to make you feel good. Sex is a natural process for creating life and love."

14? That's young. I'm 14 and even I would not condone something like that. Personally, I despise love and dating and relationships. I plan on staying a virgin forever. Sex isn't a tool to make you feel good. Sex is a natural process for creating life and love. So basically, if I ever met your sister, the first word that would come out of my mouth would be "*****."

#133 - Yeah, that's your personal view. Go ahead and stay a virgin, by all means, but just because someone else has had sex, no matter their age, I find it unreasonable that you would immediately claim them to be a *****. DEFINITION OF A *****: a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. Hmm. Let me THINK. Unless i'm incorrect, I don't think the definition says 'a woman, often beginning at the early age of fourteen, who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse.' If I must, i'll reiterate my point. Promiscuous: characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, esp. having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis. So, reasonably, a ***** must be promiscuous, am I right? Yes, well, unless I have been incorrectly taught mathematics my entire life, having ONE sexual encounter is not a great deal. "WITH A NUMBER OF PARTNERS". Going by the rule of English language, no, this girl cannot fairly be labeled a *****. Case closed. Btw: I am fourteen, and considered extremely mature for my age by both the peers and adults that I socialize with. Technically, I am a virgin, yes, but I am most certainly not innocent. I've done plenty of things that I'm not bothered with at all, but I'm not going to divulge them on an online forum just to prove my point. As a side note: People should be neither embarrassed by being a virgin at 20 or not a virgin at 14. I'm not planning to wait until marriage. I'm planning to wait for a decent guy that I like enough to date for awhile. By losing your virginity, you're not "giving" the man anything, you're gaining an experience that will be with you for the rest of your life. --R.S.

It's not that big of a deal. my friend's brother is 18 and his mom is only 31.

THAT'S A BIG DEAL! The mother is THIRTEEN years older than her son! That means she got pregnant with him at TWELVE! Or BARELY THIRTEEN. Gross, gross, gross. Sorry for sounding so harsh, but that's the way it is.

#133 kcuf your life. No sex ever? That's messed up. 14 year old guys are usually extremely eager to 'get it on'. It's hard to believe you have no interest.

xxEternalRain 13

Coming from the could be *****

whitehawk_fml 0

126 u r wrong u ******* shut the hell up it sucks 2wait go Jack off to yer mom...... I hope she's dead 2